income tax
- Income Tax

How to pay income tax?


Paying income tax: the different ways

Once your tax return has been completed, how do you pay what is due to the tax authorities? There are several ways to do this:

The online payment directly,

The monthly debit ,

Direct debit at maturity ,

The SEPA Interbank Payment Card,

The check ,

The bank transfer .

Withholding tax

In force since 2019, the withholding tax relates only to income tax. Its goal ? Avoid taxpayers often tedious calculation and payment of tax . From now on, the tax administration itself is responsible for automatically levying the amount of tax on the income received by taxpayers.

It is calculated according to a tax rate , which is liable to change partly according to the family situation of the person concerned, but also, and above all, according to his income. Anyone can then modify this levy rate , when changing jobs for example, and the levy will then be updated.

In general, the terms of payment differ depending on the nature of the tax to be paid, but also on the status of French tax resident.

 Income tax return: how does the automatic declaration work?

Online payment

Paying taxes online has almost become the norm today, as administrative procedures are now digitized. Paying tax online does not however amount to entering your bank details on, It is actually anonline payment order. It can be done both via a computer, a smartphone or a tablet using an internet connection.

This payment order can only be withdrawn from your bank account after a certain period of ten days following the tax payment deadline. Interesting, but can you really pay all your taxes online? Yes, the majority:

Income tax,

Social security contributions,

Housing tax,

Contribution to public broadcasting,

The property tax,


The tax on vacant housing,

The sweep tax.

The payment of income tax can therefore be made online , but we are talking about a direct debit in the form of a payment order. It should also be noted that payment of the housing tax is no longer necessary in 2020 for 80% of taxpayers, since a gradual reduction has been underway since 2018 and 2019.

Go to in your private area to pay the tax due.

Monthly withdrawals and at maturity

These deductions offer a significant advantage: that of spreading the payment of taxes throughout the year, and therefore of paying your tax in several installments or monthly, with membership possible until June 30 of the year. in progress, on the sole condition of having a bank account domiciled in France.

For the withdrawal at maturity, a cash advantage is offered, with a withdrawal scheduled for 10 days after the payment deadline. Same condition, a bank account domiciled in France is necessary to choose this option.

The SEPA Interbank Payment Card

To pay your due to public finances via TIP SEPA, nothing could be simpler: bring your original TIP cut out (note that a photocopy will not be accepted) and sign it (on condition that you accompany this TIP with a rib).

If you wish, you can enclose a check payable to the Trésor Public

For managing financial records, hiring a CPA is highly recommended. CPAs have taken the best CPA exam review course to ace the exam and become licensed accountants.

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