Personal Loan
- Credit Card

Benefits of Using a Personal Loan to Pay Off Credit Card Debt


Today, many people use personal loans for different purposes, from paying medical bills to consolidating their debts. If you take a personal loan to pay off your credit card debt, then it will eliminate the monthly high-interest payments.

In this way, the personal loan helps to consolidate your debt into one monthly interest payment at a lower cost. There are many benefits of using a personal loan to pay off credit card debt.

If you also want to use a personal loan for this purpose, you must go through all the article’s facts.

Personal loan debt Vs Credit card debt 

No doubt, both their credit card and personal loan debt are effectively working. The interest rate on credit cards ranges between 12 to 24%, and some credit cards charge an interest rate of more than 30%.

On the other hand, the interest rate on a personal loan is less than on a credit card. The personal loan interest rate ranges from 3 to 30%. This is the reason why we are suggested to use a personal loan to pay off your credit card debt.

Pros of Personal loan to pay off the credit card debt 

If you want to get out of your debt faster than by paying the minimum monthly credit payments, a personal loan is so helpful for you. Here are the benefits of using a personal loan to pay off credit card debt.

Earn the low-interest rate 

Personal loans are less expensive if you have a good credit score. It means if you use a personal loan to pay off your credit card debt, then you have to pay less interest on your loan amount.

Streamline the consolidation payments

A personal loan helps to consolidate all your credit card bill payments. With the help of a personal loan, you can easily make one monthly payment instead of many payments.

Boost your credit score 

When you are unable to pay with credit card payments on time, it will affect your credit history badly. So, it is suggested to take a personal loan to pay off the credit card debts and increase your credit score up to 10%.

Pay off the debt faster. 

If you are paying the minimum monthly credit payments, it will take long years to pay the complete balances based on the amount you borrow. So, here the vital role of personal loans comes.

A personal loan helps you to pay off the credit card debt faster and set the payment plan to repay the one personal loan. If you have the time of 10 years to pay off the credit cards, then you should take a personal loan, through which you can pay the balances in less than five years.


From the above facts, it is concluded that you should take a personal loan to pay off your credit card debts instead of slowly paying the minimum monthly balances. Using a personal loan is the best way to improve your credit history.

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